
Backstage Bards: Rah Petherbridge – Photographer

This week’s Backstage Bard interview is with our photographer Rah Petherbridge.

Born and Raised in Ireland, Rah recieved a fine arts training in Dublin and has been working in London since 2004. Her career in the arts has seen her organising, performing and making theatre. 

After gaining a degree from Rose Bruford University in 2013 she has been working up and down the UK & Ireland in theatre’s and at festivals specialising in performance, scenic arts & photography. Rah now splits her time between her passion and love for making theatre and her veneration for photography. You can see more of Rah’s work at her website –  www.rahpetherbridge.com


How long have you been photographing for? What drew you to it in the first place?
I’ve always been drawn to photography. I’ve been taking photo’s all my life. I’m dyslexic so pictures have always been my reference for what I’ve been up to. I rarely go a day without finding something worth snapping.

How would you describe your style?
My style is intimate. I love finding out about the people I photograph.  I try to get across the character they inspire. I want the world to see things the way I do, no-one is boring.

How did you go about preparing for this Shakespearean project?
I got really excited about working with the HandleBards. I think what they do is really awesome. Before we went on the shoot I sparked up conversation with as many people who were familiar with them. I wanted to get a real feel for the mood they inspire before capturing them.

Is shooting for theatre a challenge?
It’s so different to other photography. It demands a huge amount of fast paced intuition from both parties. I find theatre is ultimately collaborative and if the whole of the company is holding the same vision the results can be really inspired and moving. 

What is your favourite Shakespeare quote?
Oh thats a hard one to choose! Maybe Malvolio in Twelfth Night:
“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”

What is your favourite thing about the HandleBards?
Their lighthearted, fun and hardworking approach to the Bard. It’s accessible to all audiences.  On the train on the way home from shooting them I was chuffed as the rich conversation about theatre and Shakespeare flowed. They really know their stuff!

What’s the furthest you’ve ever cycled?
Home to Dublin from London on a Royal Mail bike. I crashed as soon as I got off the boat but it was good craic till then.

What’s your favourite kind of bike (racing, touring, city, etc)?
I’m a Londoner so I’m not so much into speed, I prefer comfort and safety. So Pashley’s are my favourite. They’re smooth, sturdy and their designs are timeless. Mine is a black Princess. I feel dead confident on the streets cycling my bike.
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You can book your tickets for The HandleBards 2016 Summer Cycling Tour by following the links here for the Boys and here for the Girls

For more information you can email us on info@peculius.com or call our booking hotline on 07986 784 207



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